Entries and Cards for Trampoline and Tumbling Competitions
covers all disciplines: individual, synchronised, double mini and tumbling
entries and cards can be copied from past competitions
makes creating entries and cards quick and easy
creates all the files needed by competition organisers
customised data packs configure the programme to your requirements
can be used on a local area network (LAN)
Features For Entries
validates entries against any age or gender restrictions
athletes from other clubs can be entered for synchronised pairs
athlete's name, age, gender, etc. are saved for use in future entries
athlete's last grade is recorded for use in future competitions
divisions can be used to control movement between grades
Features for Cards
cards can be copied from past competitions
cards can be copied from one athlete to another within a competition
compulsory routines can be automatically inserted into cards
skills can be shown with descriptive names or FIG notation
cards can be printed in several formats
routines in a card can be copied from one round to the next round
new and improved interface
click on a competition's name to see it's details
adding or editing a competition
click on each discipline to see it's entries
quickly add multiple entries
add or edit single entries
enter athletes from other clubs in synchro
print entries in several formats
click on the athlete's name to create, edit or delete their card
a card with skills shown by name
a card with skills shown using FIG notation
routines can be copied from one round to the next
adding a judge going to the competition
creating the files sent to competition organisers
see an athlete's details by clicking on their name
adding or editing an athlete
adding or editing an athlete from a different club
enter the other club here
click on the athlete's name to see their details