Copying an Existing Panel


Judging Panels -> select the required panel -> Copy Selected Panel


Before Competition -> Manage Panels -> select the required panel -> Copy Selected Panel


Competition Dashboard -> Assign Panels -> Add/Edit Panels -> select the required panel -> Copy Selected Panel


Panel Recorder Competition Dashboard -> Assign Panels -> Add/Edit Panels -> select the required panel -> Copy Selected Panel


Existing panels can be copied as a quick way of creating new panels. Using the screen shown below you can give the panel a new short code to identify it as well as a new name. Any judges already assigned to the existing panel can also be copied to the new panel and any changes required can be done once the new panel has been created. Copying a panel which has already been assigned to grades for judging will not


It is not possible to change a panel's assigned discipline when it is copied. Also copying a panel which has already been assigned to grades for judging will not cause it to be replaced by the new panel. Any changes to assigned grades must be done manually.