Managing Competition Grades


Main Menu -> Grades


Before Competition -> Manage Grades


The grades in your competition are managed through the Manage Grades screen which is shown below. From this screen you can create, delete, change and hide grades in your competition.




Enables a grade to be hidden from the competition with having to delete the grade completely. In this way grades which are not being used can be hidden from the rest of ScoreManager. Hiding a grade however will delete any entries and results for that grade. A hidden grade can be used again by once a Short Name has been created for it.

Opens the editing screen for the grade where you can change all of the settings for the grade. An explanation of each setting is given in Grade Settings and Their Meaning

Creates new grades for the current competition shown. If any grades already exist for the competition you will see a message reminding you that all existing grades, entries and results will be deleted before the new grades are created and asking you to confirm that you really do want to create new grades.

Deletes all of the grades which exist for the competition. Deleting the grades will also delete any entries or results which may have been already been created. You cannot delete single grades or grades for specific disciplines.

Opens the Quick Edit screen where you can quickly change some of the major settings for the grades by overtyping or change the information shown. The Quick Edit screen is below shows which settings that can be changedusing this method

Clicking on this button will show or hide grades any which are not being used in the competition.

Information about the grades which already exist for this competition