Creating Start Lists


Before Competition -> Draw Start Order


During Competition -> Draw Start Order


Competition Dashboard -> Draw Start Order


PanelRecorder Dashboard -> Draw Start Order


A unique feature of ScoreManager is that it does not require the competition organiser to draw the starting order for each grade separately. The starting order of athletes to be drawn for

all of the grades in the competition at once e.g. for the qualifying rounds before the competition commences

all of the grades in a selected discipline

multiple grades in a selected discipline

each grade separately


Once the starting order has been drawn for a grade, ScoreManager will create a start list of the grade showing the athletes in the order in which they have been drawn.


The figure below shows the parts of the screen used to draw the start order with subsequent figures showing examples of how to draw the start order for grades in the ways listed above.




Buttons to select All Grades or just the grades for the selected discipline

The names and codes of the grades in the selected discipline.


Only those grades with entries will appear in the list and the list will be blank if All Grades is selected.

The number of entries in each grade

An indicator showing which rounds have been completed for each grade.


The start order for a Semi-Final or Final round will not been drawn unless the previous round has been marked as complete.

An indictor showing which starting orders have already been drawn for the grade

Buttons to select all of the grades in the discipline

Buttons to draw the start order


Examples of the different ways in which the starting orders can be drawn are shown in the following figures


All Grades at the Same Time


click on the All Grades button

click on the button for the round required




All Grades in a Selected Discipline


click on the discipline required

click on the button Select All to highlight and select all of the grades

click on the button for the round required



Click on the button Clear All to remove the highlights on the grades


Multiple Grades in a Selected Discipline


click on the discipline required

click once on code of each grade to highlight and select it

click on the button for the round required



Click on the code of a grade again to deselect it. The grade will no longer be highlighted. A quyick way to deselect all of the grades at once is to click on the button Clear All.


Each Grade Separately


click on the discipline required

click on the code of the grade to select and highlight it

click on the button for the round required



Click again on the code of the grade to deselect it. The name of the grade will no longer be highlighted.