Managing Saved Clubs, Regions & Countries


Main Menu -> Saved Data -> Manage Saved Athletes


Managing clubs, regions and countries all use the same screens and vary only in the information displayed on them and the discussion and screenshots below only refer to clubs as an example. The information about them can be changed, or they can be deleted, directly from the Manage screens however they can only be added using the Add New screens.


A club must exist before an entry can be created for an ahlete affiliated or belonging to it. When creating entries manually the organiser must either create the club before they start or they can use the Add New Club button in the menu bar on the Manage Entries screen. Marking a club as a Guest club will cause all of the entries associated with that club as guest entries.


When entries are created by importing a file, ScoreManager will look through the list of entries to see if they include any clubs which are not in its list of clubs already. If it finds new clubs it will create them automatically but without a club code.


Clubs can be deleted or their information changed directly from the Manage screens by overtyping the information there how ever it is not possible to change the Club Code once it has been created. Deleting does not delete any past entries associated with the it.


Managing Clubs




Adding New Clubs