Printing Results


ScoreManager has two formats for its printed results

1.Short Format which provide a summary of the marks an athlete is awarded in each round and the composition of the judging panels for each round in the competition.


2.Long Format which gives a detailed breakdown of the marks and place in each round as weel as the composition of the judging panels used in each round


Selecting Which Results to Print

Print Results


Competition Dashboard -> Print Results


After Competition -> Print Results


Competition results are printed using the screen shown in the following figure





Select the discipline to see it grades appear in the box below


The list of grades for the discipline selected in   will appear here once a dicipline has been selected. A grade is selected for printing by clicking on its name which will then be highlighted. Clicking on an already highlighted grade will remove the highlight and stop it from being printed. More than one grade can be selected for printing by clicking on each name separately to highlight them. Multiple grades can be quickly

deselected by using the Select All of Clear All buttons.


Locations where the results can be printed

The results can be printed with each grade starting on a new page or printed (continuously) with no page break between grades

Select which report format you would like printed or whether to export the results for use when printing certificates