Judging Panels


Main Menu -> Judging Panels


Main Menu -> Before Competition -> Manage Panels


Main Menu -> During Competition -> Manage Panels


In ScoreManager judging panels are managed from the following screen. Each panel is are created for a specific discipline and can only be assigned to grades in that discipline. Panels can be assigned to more than one panel and different panels can be assigned to each round in the competition. A record of the judges who formed each panel can be kept by assigning named judges to each panel in the position they filled on the panel. The panel assigned to a grade and the list of its judges is printed at the bottom of the results for that grade.


ScoreManager does not require panels to created or used during the competition.






ØCreating the panel

ØChanging a panel's name and settings

ØCopying an existing panel

ØDeleting an existing panel

ØAssigning the panel to grades within the competition

ØAssigning judges to the panel

ØAdding judges to a competition


The steps of assigning panels to grades and assigning judges to a panel can be done in any order and it is possible to omit assigning judges to a panel completely.